Long ago there was a girl who did what she felt like doing, need not be told what needs to be done, how it is to be done, the world was at her feet and she simply enjoyed the rosy ambience of a free freaky world. Interpreting it, the gal mentioned might definitely be holidaying:-), for such prudence of independence and arrogance can fall only with the unfortunates with no WORK! I was the fortunate one though (apparently not) to have got an opportunity to step into a world quite contrary to the realm I am used to.
It was 8th march International Women’s day-a day bestowed in tribute to Women, a day signifying my empowerment too when the offer letter reached my hands and I had my future path drawn. I was forewarned by my senior friends, my dear Profs that its only a few months of enjoyment and then your life is definitely not gonna be the same. Putting in the exact lingo ‘Baccho jitna mazaa karna hai karlo baad mein sab kuch badal jayega’, I used to laugh hearing those remarks, come’ on its going to be so much better, no exams, no assignments to write, no sneering looks from the Profs, no submission deadlines, no competition with fellow comrades fighting for those marks…Life is definitely going to be cool for I will have my own share of money, I shall be financially independent (though I still believe in TEAM WORK: my father earns and I spend).I was also satisfied knowing that the success of any business hinges on 4 Ts-trade, technology, treasury and talent wherein T-technology will be satisfied on my joining the tech co. and last T is definitely unquestionable considering me :- ) ,the other two will be considered with time.
Well, misconceptions are always there. Who had even thought that FORBES listed big shot companies would have Indian CEOs with Indra Nooyi chairing PepsiCo and Vikram Pandit heading the CitiGroup lately. Where had Musharaff thought that he would be defeated despite of his cunning ways and diplomacy? Where had the cricket fans thought that the Indian team would win the 20-20 World Cup in such great style? These events were definitely awe-inspiring. Now me too had my own set of misconceptions, which were ruled out with me stepping into the CORPORATE world. I remember the words of my soft skill trainer Capt.Thapas, whose words are worth remembering a lifetime. Firstly ’Nobody born on this Earth is the son of a lesser God.’ Always have belief in yourself and always learn to keep your self respect , never let people take you for granted. Secondly, ’In the Corporate world no one is your best friend or your worst enemy’ I guess it’s quite tacit. My PL’s wise words are too noteworthy that one has to deal with all kinds of people around, and everyone will have their own way of doing things. So its very important to understand them rather than get frustrated and sulk about it. Secondly, ask yourself what new did I learn today. So this fledgling definitely needs to learn a lot from her immediate surroundings.
I must say Engg life is still better……………..(what say misconception again!!!)
It was 8th march International Women’s day-a day bestowed in tribute to Women, a day signifying my empowerment too when the offer letter reached my hands and I had my future path drawn. I was forewarned by my senior friends, my dear Profs that its only a few months of enjoyment and then your life is definitely not gonna be the same. Putting in the exact lingo ‘Baccho jitna mazaa karna hai karlo baad mein sab kuch badal jayega’, I used to laugh hearing those remarks, come’ on its going to be so much better, no exams, no assignments to write, no sneering looks from the Profs, no submission deadlines, no competition with fellow comrades fighting for those marks…Life is definitely going to be cool for I will have my own share of money, I shall be financially independent (though I still believe in TEAM WORK: my father earns and I spend).I was also satisfied knowing that the success of any business hinges on 4 Ts-trade, technology, treasury and talent wherein T-technology will be satisfied on my joining the tech co. and last T is definitely unquestionable considering me :- ) ,the other two will be considered with time.
Well, misconceptions are always there. Who had even thought that FORBES listed big shot companies would have Indian CEOs with Indra Nooyi chairing PepsiCo and Vikram Pandit heading the CitiGroup lately. Where had Musharaff thought that he would be defeated despite of his cunning ways and diplomacy? Where had the cricket fans thought that the Indian team would win the 20-20 World Cup in such great style? These events were definitely awe-inspiring. Now me too had my own set of misconceptions, which were ruled out with me stepping into the CORPORATE world. I remember the words of my soft skill trainer Capt.Thapas, whose words are worth remembering a lifetime. Firstly ’Nobody born on this Earth is the son of a lesser God.’ Always have belief in yourself and always learn to keep your self respect , never let people take you for granted. Secondly, ’In the Corporate world no one is your best friend or your worst enemy’ I guess it’s quite tacit. My PL’s wise words are too noteworthy that one has to deal with all kinds of people around, and everyone will have their own way of doing things. So its very important to understand them rather than get frustrated and sulk about it. Secondly, ask yourself what new did I learn today. So this fledgling definitely needs to learn a lot from her immediate surroundings.
I must say Engg life is still better……………..(what say misconception again!!!)
Life's always beginning...Every second that is over is the start of a new one.
There was this excellent movie whose message was to 'unlearn' which means to 'unlearn' everything you were taught and recreate your beliefs. This is that age for you.
All the best!
Your PL does seem like a smart person. Listen to him/her more often. :)
These are comments from my dearie friends who willingly or unwillingly read my blog.....
Devang : Hmm…well…very aptly put!!
You do read your share of the newspaper…that’s nice!! ;-)
All having WRITTEN and READ, I’d still say-engineering rocks!!
After all, they don’t say “Ignorance is BLISS “ for nothing, eh???
Sameer: Its awesome nidhi…good blog.. now I can say tht I have experienced ur writing work. Needs to be changed in testimonial!!!
Neha Khan: U have written the truth
Felt good after reading it may be bcoz i am in the same position
Infact u have written what v all r going thru and wat v had actually thought it would b like
Felt very nice after reading it
Keep going
Mayuresh: LOVED IT…
Tanmay: too good yaar..it reflects thy soul
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