‘What if I have a few grey hair strands,
I am still a lot wiser.
What if I take more time to speak,
I am quite more patient.
What if I walk a little slow,
I am far more steadier.’
Minced by an old man he feels wiser, patient and steadier than all of us. In this oldie context there is only one thing that gives me a pause is the ‘AGE’. Two great icons turned into archives with that ‘AGE’ context. Sachin Tendulkar, the world’s greatest batsman has lost his contract as brand ambassador of FMCG PepsiCo. John McCain seems to be losing out against Barack Obama way before the final verdict of the presidential race. Apparently, I don’t see any signs of old age in Sachin though his jet black hair could be misleading courtesy: Garnier or Godrej hair dye, his face shows no wrinkles that could also be misleading courtesy: Botox treatment. Whereas McCain has all the signs forcing to withdraw my evident support. I’m unquestionably not alone; in a university poll of swing states (Florida, Ohio, Pennyslvania) published two weeks back, nearly a quarter of respondents said that his age made it less likely they would vote for him. It wasn’t just the young who had an issue with it, either. More than 20 percent of those 55 and above agreed. So what makes him fall flat in the public face. Surprisingly, he is the culprit for the string of self-deprecating jokes. On ‘Saturday Night Live ‘he joked that we should be looking for someone ‘very, very, very old’ to be the next president. I guess his inspiration lies with the Indian politicians age bracket. It was disconcerting when he flubbed a joke on MTV about ‘being older than dirt’ with ‘more scars than Frankenstein’. It was quite alarming to hear his confession about computer illiteracy in the age of Google, YouTube and MySpace, when jehadis maintain their own websites and the rival candidate is Obama-a Borg-like Internet juggernaut. Perhaps, there is no political botox (Sigh! The stilted grins & blank expressions) in his self-flagellating humour. It’s not good to be too modest that it takes the hell out of you.
Coming to our homeland, Sachin did nothing unlike McCain to prove his age. PepsiCo brand gurus are for ‘Youngistan’ run & Sachin seemingly doesn’t fit in. A price of 4 Crores is too much wherein with the same sum two young goodie players Ishant Sharma and Rohit Sharma can be roped in. Inflation affects everybody isn’t it! So ‘young’,’youth’ are the new buzzwords. We are awed by the pageants of ‘Young CEOs’,‘Young Entrepreneur’,’ Young politicians’,’Young diplomats’ and of course ‘Young actors’ .The media and society have become more conducive towards the young and perhaps berated the old. All said and done, one must act one’s age & stop talking about it all the time. If you really can’t resist than lauds its merits of wisdom. No witty streak please ;-)
I am still a lot wiser.
What if I take more time to speak,
I am quite more patient.
What if I walk a little slow,
I am far more steadier.’
Minced by an old man he feels wiser, patient and steadier than all of us. In this oldie context there is only one thing that gives me a pause is the ‘AGE’. Two great icons turned into archives with that ‘AGE’ context. Sachin Tendulkar, the world’s greatest batsman has lost his contract as brand ambassador of FMCG PepsiCo. John McCain seems to be losing out against Barack Obama way before the final verdict of the presidential race. Apparently, I don’t see any signs of old age in Sachin though his jet black hair could be misleading courtesy: Garnier or Godrej hair dye, his face shows no wrinkles that could also be misleading courtesy: Botox treatment. Whereas McCain has all the signs forcing to withdraw my evident support. I’m unquestionably not alone; in a university poll of swing states (Florida, Ohio, Pennyslvania) published two weeks back, nearly a quarter of respondents said that his age made it less likely they would vote for him. It wasn’t just the young who had an issue with it, either. More than 20 percent of those 55 and above agreed. So what makes him fall flat in the public face. Surprisingly, he is the culprit for the string of self-deprecating jokes. On ‘Saturday Night Live ‘he joked that we should be looking for someone ‘very, very, very old’ to be the next president. I guess his inspiration lies with the Indian politicians age bracket. It was disconcerting when he flubbed a joke on MTV about ‘being older than dirt’ with ‘more scars than Frankenstein’. It was quite alarming to hear his confession about computer illiteracy in the age of Google, YouTube and MySpace, when jehadis maintain their own websites and the rival candidate is Obama-a Borg-like Internet juggernaut. Perhaps, there is no political botox (Sigh! The stilted grins & blank expressions) in his self-flagellating humour. It’s not good to be too modest that it takes the hell out of you.
Coming to our homeland, Sachin did nothing unlike McCain to prove his age. PepsiCo brand gurus are for ‘Youngistan’ run & Sachin seemingly doesn’t fit in. A price of 4 Crores is too much wherein with the same sum two young goodie players Ishant Sharma and Rohit Sharma can be roped in. Inflation affects everybody isn’t it! So ‘young’,’youth’ are the new buzzwords. We are awed by the pageants of ‘Young CEOs’,‘Young Entrepreneur’,’ Young politicians’,’Young diplomats’ and of course ‘Young actors’ .The media and society have become more conducive towards the young and perhaps berated the old. All said and done, one must act one’s age & stop talking about it all the time. If you really can’t resist than lauds its merits of wisdom. No witty streak please ;-)
Well, assuming your permission I would like to comment on your blog.
I got little confused with the title of this blog. John McCain's self-deprecating, older jokes might have provoked you to use such a title. As far as brand value of Sachin Tendulkar is concerned, yes it has been on lower side than 3-4 years ago due to age factor; though he remains ICON for our generation same cannot be said about next one.
Yes, 'AGE' factor does play a vital role but no one can generalize the same. We have seen how reign of 'Ageing' Roger at Wimbledon was ended by young Rafael Nadal. Narayan Murthy, Bill Gates stepped down when they felt they are 'aged' and young ones should be given an opportunity as they were sure of their capabilities. We are almost certain of 'young' Obama becoming next president by beating 'older' McCain. Whoever has heard speech of Omar Abdullah and Rahul Gandhi will understand that future of 'Youngistan' lies in good hands.
It's true that our Political system has been immune to youngistan for a while now as our PM as well as most of ministers and President are no more young and dashing but at the same time we should not forget that older people are also integral part for development of mankind with their experience. If you remeber our young UN president candidate Shashi Tharur was beaten by Aged Baan ki Moon. If at all you see Lalu Yadav's speech on trust vote you would might get encouraged to compare it with that of John McCain's witty comments( though Lalu's is real humorous one).Instead of acting harsh on their negatives we should learn from their positives.
Though it depends upon every individual how they upgrade their knowledge as far as technology is concerned it is understandable that older people find it difficult to make themselves comfortable with "NEW" things in life but same can be said about some young ones as well, so again you cannot generalize the same.
I have to appriciate this sentence 'It's not good to be too modest that it takes the hell out of you.' Its really good one.
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