Disclaimer:The views of the writer are neither personal nor professional.They are the perspectives of the writer created as a result of her rovering observations, imaginations and manifestations.You are advised not to consider the views mentioned on a serious note as the insurance for the added frustation would stand unclaimed.Readers are advised not to judge the writer on the basis of this article as most of the times she is being unreasonable.
I got in touch with my friend after 6 long years and this is what i get to hear 'Hope,you have not called me to tell me you are getting married'.Sigh.Sigh.Sigh.I would not be calling people telling them that i have lost my freedom.It wouldn't be such a good thought to share.It is even more threatening to share with your family the idea of your friends getting married.The simple reason being the search-o-meter for the perfect groom gets triggered.Why on earth play such games.
What's the trouble with this 'M' word.It works in direct proportion:more I hear people getting married ,more I despise getting into it.M-phobia perhaps.The trouble is with the search ,it is not as fascinating as Google(your search ends here) nor is it as exciting as Treasure hunt.A definite set of questions with definite set of answers from definite set of people makes your wild card options narrower and sleeker.You have a number of matrimonial search portals to help you in this regard.As Advaita Kala,author of Almost single puts forward that it is possible to choose guys of all shapes and sizes on the web.Never imagined people would market themselves for this reason.Furthermore,attention-getters flip flop with their status as single and committed as if the only thing left on earth is to symathasize with them on their single or congratulate them on their committed status quo.The virtual reality is you could pick the guy who mentions IIT IIM in his profile,the two I's thrill you and later you discover that creature is from some Nallamallai engg college and has done his MBA from some Mangowala college in a faraway district never heard of.You got duped,chances are that you werent even aware of the virtual reality.You are so excited to get to the foreign lands that the picture of the guy with statue of liberty at the backdrop becomes the indispensible profile for you.Later you realise he has full plans to take that liberty away from you.Virtual space fails in all corners,better find the one in your study corner.
Let's get into the arranged way,you meet this guy at the coffee shop and go ahead with that typical HR question'Tell me about yourself' and move on to family,likes,dislikes,hobbies blah blah.You just hate the guy sitting opposite you yet you manage to keep that smile on for courtesy sake.The cologne best dressed man on one fine date is in no way an answer to your hunt for the perfect groom.Things are getting difficult.The search seems not only difficult but unbearable.But like everything has a solution and so does this.
The typical love philosophy works everytime:Wait for the right man and no matter how old you become keep waiting........because sooner or later you will fall into this trap and then repent on the search made for that PERFECT groom.Sigh.Sigh.Sigh.
Just one simple question, although i have no right to ask such a question, and you don't have to answer it, but the internet allows me to and so i ask: You quote all the philosophers from the selfish Rand to the wise Shaw, but you define a perfect groom by his educational credentials and you manage it to narrow it down to the 2 much-hyped institutions. Why such an irony?
I am aware that you have posted an effective disclaimer that makes all my efforts to coax an answer out of you futile.
Shantanu,Wise thought!
It is as simple as saying the definition of perfect groom changes invariably from person to person.Well,the main point i wanted to highlight is that even carrying prejudices about the so called Perfect Groom can prove dangerous.I took the 2much hyped institutions as the underlying example to prove this inherent fact.I have not claimed that this tends to occur in almost all the cases.But surely it does happen in some.So where is the point of irony here?
Disclaimers are always there but we tend to ignore them always.So I write again to prove another point in case.
This one is really good..but do you think the same way even now??
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