We meet a lot of people in our lives,some stay as acquaintance,some become part of the social network,some part of our professional network,some as long-lasting friends and some who don't fit into any of these but yet remembered and cherished.I have one such friend.
Two meetings while driving back home was enough to get us talking.His sense of humor, intelligence,helping nature,constant leg pulling,honest opinions and thoughts added oodles to our friendship.I have enjoyed those bus rides with our long discussions about everything on Earth discussing Obama,financial crises ,our favorite men from mars and women from Venus unresolved issue,relatives, religion, festivals, culture to cars, gadgets,food,clothes,domestic help, estate prices,and of course the seething Mumbai traffic.Quite enjoyed the pranks that I played on him which were all taken so sportingly.
We are not talking.Not that we ended up with a big fight or something,just that he moved to another city and we got so busy with our own lives (the lame excuse we give for all our inconveniences)we just lost touch.He did text me his new number but somehow I did not bother to call back.Have I become an egomaniac?Could be.I know he is just a call away,all I need is to pick up that phone now.
friends are always a call away.. its up to us if we call them or not or maintain the distance. You rightly pointed the types of friends.. but some friends are worth the effort and if the effort is not made at the right time it may lead to the loss of what could be an amazing part of our lives.
As Aristotle has rightly said-
"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods."
so its always better to have few "good" friends than having many friends. an effort now is better than thinking later in life -- "if only"
when distances grow..most people think that because they are busy they don't have time for *people who mattered*...but perhaps it is because they are not in that zone right now.. may be one has found that new friend with whom they can talk on a world of issues or perhaps a new interest which fills in the void of that person...and call urself an egomania would be too harsh i believe...if the other person has your no..he can call as well :)
very true! :) but for good friends it is not necessary to be in touch everyday..the bond shared is so strong that if they meet even after an year it feels as if they had met moments ago!!
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